Mixed tours

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Mixed tours: "Extreme vacation"

Destination: Kyrgyzstan

Duration: 14 days

Day 1: Arrival in Bishkek - Ala-Archa.
You are arriving Arrival at "Manas" airport. Then you are moving to the national park "Ala-Archa". This is a unique place as the ravine is located at an altitude of 1200m. As you know, right at this altitude our heart beats in the rhythm that gives the most time for cardiac muscle relaxation thus extending our life. This ravine is also known for its blue spruces and juniper. Phytocide properties of juniper are incredible, 1 hectare of juniper is enough to clean a city with a million population. You are walking along the ravine, going up to the grave of alpinists and branches of the Kyrgyz range. Then you are trying some Asian dishes such as shashlik and plov in the open air. You are spending the night in "Ala-Archa" hotel.

Day 2: Ala-Archa - Chon Kemin. Rafting.
The whole day is devoted to water. After breakfast you are going to Chon Kemin ravine and getting ready for the rafting. Rafting along the Chon Kemin River takes two hours. Then you are going to the river Chu, having lunch and going on rafting along the river Chu that takes 3 hours. After the rafting you are moving to Ashu guest house and having dinner.

Day 3: Chon Kemin - Jeti Oguz.
This is a preparatory day, that includes walk and move to Jeti Oguz ravine along the southern Issyk-Kul lakeside. You are walking around the ravine seeing mysterious red mountains "Seven Bulls". You are spending the night in the yurt camp.

Day 4: Jeti Oguz - Chon Kyzyl Suu. Trekking.
You are seeing the sunrise in Jeti Oguz ravine, packing your traveling bags and starting on. Crossing the Kyrgyz Range, altitude from 1400m-2900m above sea level, from the east to the west  passing spruce forests and summer pastures of nomads. There is a picnic on the way. You are going down to the valley Chon Kyzyl Suu and farther to an ancient physiographic station where you are setting a camp for a night.

Day 5: Chon Kyzyl Suu. Trekking.
There is small party with a great banquet. According to an old tradition we are cutting a sheep and cooking a national dish - Kuurdak. But you shouldn't forget about extreme. You are crossing the river and going up to morainic Sharkaratma Lake which has been formed at the snout of a huge glacier. You are coming back to the camp to spend the night there.

Day 6: Chon Kyzyl Suu - Kichi Kyzyl Suu. Horse riding tour.
Today you are changing to Heavenly Horses as the Chinese called them and going to the valley Kichi Kyzyl Suu along desolated caravan routes. There is a picnic on the way. You are spending the night in the camp.

Day 7:  Kichi Kyzyl Suu - Juukuchak. Horse riding tour.
That is the second to last day of the horse riding tour. You are going to Juuk pass 3400m. The day is going to be full of impressions and extreme. Picnic is on the way to the pass. You are going down from the pass, having a possibility to relax in the pool with radon springs. You are spending the night in the camp.

Day 8: Juukuchak - Juku. Horse riding tour.
Riding along dry canyons of Juukuchak and going up along the Juku Valley, where you can meet local nomads and try fresh kumys - drink of youth and energy. You are spending the night in the camp.

Day 9: Juku - Barskoon. Horse riding tour.
This is the culmination of the horse riding tour. You are crossing the Dungurome Valley, passing hanging snouts of huge glaciers and garrulous mountain rivers of cyan color. You are spending the night in the camp.

Day 10: Barskoon - Issyk-Kul.
You are moving to Karakol, where you are visiting a unique Dungan mosque made without a single nail and Church of the Blessed Trinity where you can see icon of Tikhvin Madonna who saved Moscow from fascists. Then you are continuing your way to the northern lakeside of Issyk-Kul. There is diving with aqualungs in search of drowned treasure of Great Silk Way epoch. You are spending the night in the resort.

Day 11: Issyk-Kul.
You are staying on the beach of Issyk-Kul Lake, having fun in the water and spending the night in the same resort.

Day 12: Issyk-Kul.
In the morning you are traveling around Issyk-Kul Lake by motor boat. In the afternoon you are inspecting northern Issyk-Kul mountains - Kungey Ala Too and visiting a place with pethrogliphs dated to the 8th century BC. You are having a walk to picturesque valleys and coming back to the resort.

Day 13:  Issyk-Kul - Bishkek.
In the afternoon you are returning to the capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek city. There you can go shopping, see around the city and have dinner in a restaurant. You are spending the night in the hotel.

Day 14: Flight home.


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